Erstwhile hippie idealist who became a JW in 1977 aged 19, following a series of drunken (and therefore semi-plausible) pontifications from some bloke in Northwich, Cheshire (UK), where I at that time lived. The bloke in question was NOT a witness himself, but an "unbelieving husband". In some obscure fashion, this factor lent credibility to his statements! During my time as a JW, I became married (no children blessed the union), was eventually catapulted to the dizzying heights elder, and became the "School Overseer" for many years. Did a degree part time with the Open University (despite the protestations of my fellow elders) the upsshot of which I dared to start thinking and stop pretending. Divorced in 1997. Attended my last meeting in 1999. I do not know what my current status is among "watchtowerdom", and frankly I do not care enough to want to find out! As a result of obtaining my degree I now live and work in China, where I teach English. I am engaged to be married to a beautiful Chinese girl, whose love and devotion to me is surpassed only by mine to her! I now really do have the things that so many of us only used to pretend to believe we had; a purpose in life; genuine and sincere friends; love, contentment, and above all - FREEDOM!